Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Pledge of Allegiance


        I pledge allegiance to the flag…of the United States of America
Is that something everyone should be forced to recite, even if the flag represents, say, despicable acts done by people working or fighting under that flag? For example, the repeated killing of innocent civilians by CIA-controlled drones in the Middle East, at My Lai in South Vietnam, No Gun Ri in South Korea, killing the original Americans during our westward expansion from the 17th to the 20th centuries, or importing, enslaving, and mistreating millions of human beings forcibly taken from the African continent? Pledging allegiance suggests a ‘my country - right or wrong’ attitude implying that no matter what was done under that flag, it's okay; American exceptionalism means we'll gladly spill ours, or someone else's blood, for it regardless of what it may be.
If this is such a great country, (I think it is, but not because of the flag) why do we even need to pledge our allegiance to it? Wouldn't we simply love it or form a deep emotional attachment to the nation  - not because of a compulsory alliance?
Why not…”I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, a republic based on democracy, which offers liberty and justice for all…?

        That, to me anyway, makes far more sense than pledging allegiance to a piece of fabric. Because that is what it actually is demanding? Read it. It says “I pledge allegiance to the FLAG.”
The flag is several pieces of colored cloth sewn together. But that doesn't imbue it with any special power. It is no more the United States than the Statue of Liberty or singing Yankee Doodle. 
       Some advocates try to get around the flag pledge by claiming it follows the first line with …”and to the republic for which it stands…” But that follows the pledge to the FLAG; the “to the republic” business is an afterthought. It’s used as a stand-in for the sewn-together fabric banner. It’s one thing to align one’s self with an idea, or a nation. It’s quite another to an auxiliary imitation. The wisest thing I ever heard regarding the flag came from a retired World War Two Marine Corp Captain (Marshall Caitlin - who flew F4U’s over Bougainville and the Solomon Islands.) who said he “went to war to defend what America stood for, not what stood for America.”

        Nor do I think the word ‘indivisible’ should be part of that pledge. The Declaration of Independence clearly gives citizens of the states the right to break away or abolish the government if they feel it no longer represents them. Check the second paragraph of it if you doubt that. Clearly our Founding Fathers granted us the right to be divisible.

        People have forgotten how and why we even have a “Pledge of Allegiance.” The idea can be traced back to Daniel Sharp Ford, the owner of Youth’s Companion magazine. In 1892, he wanted to put American flags in every school in the country and sensed that the nation needed a dose of patriotism to heal the wounds from the American Civil War. So the sale of American flags was his initial the motivation. Sharp gave the assignment to write a patriotic pledge to a staff member, a former Baptist minister and Christian Socialist, Francis Bellamy. In Bellamy’s original Pledge, he expressed the egalitarian idealism of the French Revolution. He also drew on the socialist Utopian novels of his cousin Edward Bellamy, the author of Looking Backward and Equality. The pledge was also written to honor the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus setting foot in the New World. Most today do not recognize Bellamy’s original Pledge.
Bellamy originally included 'equality, fraternity' after liberty.

        Bellamy organized a school program around a flag raising ceremony including a special gesture called the Bellamy salute while saying his 'Pledge of Allegiance.' The salute consisted of each person extending their right arm straight forward, angling slightly upward, with fingers pointing directly ahead at the flag. Does it look familiar? 

Let me juxtapose it with a similar salute…

        Yes, the fascists and Nazis began using the same gesture less than 30 years later, but from the beginning, the act seemed exploitative and authoritarian, even before there was such a thing as fascism.

        In the 1923 and 1924 National Flag Conferences, the leadership of the American Legion and the Daughters of the American Revolution changed the Pledge's 'my Flag,' to 'the Flag of the United States of America.' Bellamy heartily disliked this revision, but his protest was ignored. Over a year after the U.S. became embroiled in World War Two, the Bellamy salute was finally dropped because it look like Americans were expressing solidarity with Nazism. 

        In 1954, Congress added the words, 'under God,' to the Pledge making it now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer. It is reported that President Eisenhower ‘enthusiastically endorsed’ this change but it turned out he was more concerned with being called weak on Communism or being labeled a ‘Communist” thanks to Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Red Scare, and reluctantly went along with the change. Bellamy passed away in 1931 but his granddaughter stated he would have hated that change as well. He had been pressured into leaving his church in 1891 because of his socialist sermons but he would have considered making an appeal to God in his pledge a type of sacrilege.
What Christians see when they say the pledge 
        The Pledge was dreamed up to sell flags, to promote the discovery of the continent by a man who claimed it for his God - while taking several of its inhabitants and riches back to Spain, and to bind the wounds from a recent war that still divided the country. All you had to do was make a commitment, not to the American idea or its Constitution, but to a piece of representative fabric...sort of like pledging allegiance to the Bald Eagle.

        How about making this commitment: I pledge allegiance to the universe and all the life which it supports…one cosmos, in our care, irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect for all.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Ban all Religions Until the Test Results Come Back Positive


        Last week Donald Trump, in his usual inimitable fashion, again made an incendiary comment that aroused great anger, from fellow Republican presidential candidates, and almost everyone to the left of Trump. But not to his supporters; they loved it. They can’t wait to have Trump banning Muslim immigrants...actually anyone they don’t like...and ignoring established U.S. laws, policies and regulations….”Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...and turn them away."

         But as wrong as I think Trump is, he may have stumbled onto a very good idea. It just isn’t restrictive enough. Let’s run with his idea of banning a religious group. If I agreed with his position, then we shouldn’t stop there; we should go even further. Let’s not just ban Muslims from entering the U.S., let’s ban ANY religious person. Yes, ban them all… until they’ve passed a test indicating they understand the separation of church and state, that they will uphold and defend that separation, and that our Constitution supersedes ANY law that's in someone’s holy book.

        This ban would not just apply to foreigners hoping to resettle in America, but also to anyone who already lives here. For example, if Christians promote an interpretation of their God’s laws as somehow overriding the Constitution, they need to be removed to another place, say, the Vatican, until such time as they take a test proving they understand this is a secular nation and the Constitution is the ONLY law of the land. They can practice whatever religion they want in their own homes or in a place of worship (that would no longer be tax-exempt), but they cannot claim their God’s law is higher than Constitutional law.

        It doesn’t matter if the believers are Hindu, Mormon, Buddhist, Shinto, Zoroastrian, or they worship of a pile of rocks. They must show, via both written and verbal testing, that they acknowledge their religious laws stop at our border. They do not supplant any U.S. law at any time…period!

         If they are Muslim and disagree; Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, and even ISIS are all trying to implement Sharia. Let them live there and practice their faith. Or if they are Mormon and believe that what Elohim says overrides U.S. law, expel them to one of the uninhabited islands of the Alaska archipelago until testing confirms they fully understand and comply with the Constitution.

         Trump's not the first. Whether anti-British, anti-Chinese, anti-Japanese, anti-black, or anti-Commie...down through history, Americans have loved vilifying and repressing others.
         Now, far be it for me to point out to the oh-so-wise and well-informed Trump, who clearly hasn’t studied U.S. history, we already tried banning certain groups…the Chinese in the late 1800s, the Japanese in World War Two, and Communists during the 1950s. It just doesn’t work, and won’t work, even if we turned this nation into a completely fascist dictatorship like, say, Nazi Germany. So rather than banning, the best step is to make sure everyone understands we are not bound by the religious laws of any gods, or any religious sects.  

        Trump’s pandering to squeamish, anxious white xenophobes gets great press, but it won’t get him elected president. However, if he’d go along with a test given to every religious person immigrating here, or living here, so we can get them up to speed on how the Constitution works, then he and I might have some common ground to discuss ideas.
Know your Constitution

Sunday, November 29, 2015

One Nation, Under Surveillance

A CNN headline in late November 2015 announced that the National Security Agency, or NSA, would cease collecting telephone data and storing that information for the foreseeable future. While some may hail this as proof that it’s the citizens of the United States who have the power - not government agencies - I would caution everyone not to jump to the conclusion that the program has been terminated. What it really means is that the NSA will stopped TELLING us that it is collecting the data. If you are naïve enough to believe that they will willingly discontinue something they have been doing illegally for years (and getting away with it), then you don’t know how our secret agencies work.
In June, President Obama signed a reform measure that took away the NSA's authority to collect phone record bulk data of Americans. So in June the measure was signed, and now at the end of November, the NSA claims they are finally going to comply, although they requested continued limited access to the data until February 29, 2016. But that’s just a formality meant to assure us they would obey…grudgingly. Since when has the presidency been any threat to our intelligence agencies, especially after JFK was murdered? The report went on to state that “the government will move to a more "focused and targeted" approach in gathering intelligence”, which is how the Office of the Director of National Intelligence white-washed it. The change in intelligence gathering comes after over two years of agency lying, misrepresenting, stone-walling, and making threats after details about the program were leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. The NSA knows no one will actually challenge them on it. Americans are good at making a lot of noise but not stopping illegal activity within our own borders.
Former CIA director Richard Helms     Former CIA Counterintelligence Chief Angleton
Domestic spying should come as no surprise to anyone; it is nothing new in our country. A program called Operation CHAOS was set up by CIA director Richard Helms and run by James Angleton of the CIA’s counterintelligence staff starting in the mid 1960s to keep tabs on Americans, not our enemies or hostile foreign governments, but U.S. citizens. These were people that Helms and Angleton deemed a great danger. Nothing has changed. It’s only gotten bigger, sneakier, more compartmentalized, and more adept at spying on us. No one sums it better than Richard Helms who wrote this in his memoir, “In the secret operations canon, it is axiomatic that the probability of leaks escalates exponentially each time a classified document is exposed to another person – be it an agency employee, a member of Congress, a senior official, a typist, or a file clerk. Effective compartmentalization is fundamental to all secret activity. The potential for leaks, deliberate or accidental, is vast.” Or to put it more simply, we can keep it under wraps if fewer people are privy to the program. They’ll still do it but the data collecting will henceforth just be “unreported.” What we don’t know won’t hurt us…is how the NSA sees it. Don’t expect to ever enjoy the freedoms of the Fourth Amendment again. 

The NSA considers itself and what it does as above the law…any law. Self-preservation of the agency and the operation it is involved with, is its only prime directive. Adherence to the Constitution and obedience to the American people through its elected officials is a gnat flying around the NSA’s head. They pay just enough attention to shoo it away now and then. This ending of the bulk data collection is the most recent “shoo”. March all you want, protest all you want, demand accountability all you want. The NSA only hears when and what it wants to hear.
We know what's going on; we just can't seemingly stop it.
Some within the government have tried to maintain NSA stood for No Such Agency and that if, even if it existed, it was no threat to U.S. citizens, while the rest of us understand it means Now Spying on Americans.

Something the NSA routinely scoffs at is that the purpose of the United States Constitution is to limit the power of the federal government and its agencies, not the American people. Rest in peace Fourth Amendment.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

End of the World - September 23, 2015

         Have you said your goodbyes, made your peace, and prepared for the end? According to the latest Christian interpretation of scripture, or maybe cooking the numbers to fit a preconceived outcome they desperately want is a better way to put it, it will happen on September 23, 2015 as described in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. You want proof? The signs are all over the place.

        The brilliant light falling through the sky that was filmed over Bangkok, Thailand September 7th. It just couldn’t possibly have been a meteor simply burning up in the atmosphere like meteors do every day.

       A huge sand storm swept across the western Middle East September 8th to 10th, like another did on June 1, 2015, Feb. 10-11, 2015, June 2, 2014, May 7, 2014, April 11-12, 2013…(notice a pattern forming here?) Google the dates and see for yourself. Since this one was larger than usual thanks to less rainfall this year, it is a sure-fire apocalyptic sign. A Christian blogger making a postdiction wrote that “the prophesy that The LORD revealed to me on 19th November 2014, about “a Rain of Sand” coming to the earth, has accurately been fulfilled 10 months later.” I guess God didn't want to rush into things......plus, a rain of sand coming to earth sounds like something originating from above, not from the dry land just to the east of you. He wants to shoehorn this postdiction in among his numerous FAILED predictions as proof that he is one of God’s select.

Allahu Akbar

         The giant crane toppling onto the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia on September 11th killing 107 worshipers and injuring hundreds more. Yahweh or Jehovah (we aren’t sure which) was purportedly showing the Muslims that Allah is a false god otherwise He would have protected them. For Americans there’s even the added bonus of it happening on the anniversary of 9/11 so God could show us, 14 years too late, that He’s on our side.

The iridescent cloud seen over the mountains of Costa Rica on September 15th, even though there was a perfectly understandable meteorological cause. Many people in this predominantly Catholic country claimed it was God letting them know the end is nigh.

The earthquake and tsunami off Chile on September 17th…is proof that God’s face ‘moved over the waters’ as it says in Genesis 1:2.

Pope Francis says homosexuals are not evil, abortion is forgivable, and he visits the communist island nation of Cuba…giving further proof that he is actually the antichrist.

Slavery okay, torture okay, rape and incest okay, two men or two women in love and wanting to marry, that’s not okay.

Ultra-Christian homophobe and hypocrite Kim Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky is jailed for five days in early September for defying a Supreme Court ruling and a U.S. District Judge by refusing to issue marriage licenses to anyone so she doesn’t have to betray her Christian conscience regarding same sex couples. Putting a Christian bigot behind bars is the last straw before God steps in.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker suspends his presidential race on September 21st due to low…and I mean really low…polling numbers, which is proof God is prepping him for a quick rapture off the planet so he won’t have to disappoint any of his supporters. (God must like making fools of candidates because didn't He also 'call' Pat Robertson to run for president in 1988?)

And the biggest sign that the end is here…the Cleveland Browns managed to beat the Tennessee Titans 28-14 on Sunday, September 20th. How much more proof do you need?

Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance...

One more thing…there will be a naturally occurring and completely anticipated “Blood Moon” on September 27th-28th when the full moon passes through the Earth's shadow. What this has to do with the end of the world I have no idea but Christians are mentioning it frequently on their websites and in their blogs. I’m betting that nothing will happen on September 23rd and when it doesn’t the end-of-the-world theorists will shift the focus to this date, claiming they just had the math slightly off. When it doesn’t pan out on the 28th they will select another date somewhere in the near future and keep up the apocalyptic drumbeat. Surely God won’t make them wrong forever…will he?

Remember these predictions that came to pass? Me neither!

(Addendum - September 25th. We are still here...no apocalypse on the 23rd...however, like I wrote above, several Christian websites and blogs, like those of John Hagee, Mark Blitz, and Irvin Baxter, claim the Blood moon on the 27th-28th is an indicator of End Times....Ooooooh, I'm so scared...because this time they got it right.) 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Misunderstanding Trump

       He's number 1.....He's number 1.....He's number 1

          Poor, poor misunderstood Donald Trump. Here he is trying to steer the country back onto the right path after what he calls the failure of the Obama presidency, and everyone is instead distracted by his perceived verbal gaffs. It’s hampering his shot at the White House where he says he’ll ‘Make America Great Again’. Incidentally, that motto was plagiarized from Ronald Reagan who used “Let’s Make America Great Again” in the 1980s. Trump says he came up with the phrase on his own and that it has nothing to do with Reagan’s. But does anyone pay attention to his making America great…again? No. All people want to do is misquote him or knowingly misrepresent what he implied. He speaks his mind off-the-cuff-like, and then the media puts its own spin on it to make him look like a first-class jerk. That’s because what was recorded and what we heard was simply a misunderstanding of what he said. In other words, it’s our fault, not his.

        For example:
In a Sept. 2015 Rolling Stone interview, Trump is quoted saying about rival GOP candidate Carly Fiorina: "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?" He claims he wasn’t talking about her looks, “I'm talking about persona," he corrected everyone. And we can believe him. When he uses the word ‘face’ twice, it’s simply our not realizing he meant a theatrical mask.

 At the Republican debate in August 2015, after moderator Megyn Kelly asked him about the sexist comments he’s made, such as calling some women "fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals," Trump retaliated later by saying she had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever…" He claims he meant her nose. Obviously. “Wherever…” always means nose. He even added the caveat "Only a deviant would think anything else" while also tossing in that Megyn was a “bimbo”. He wouldn’t stoop to saying anything sexist that might refer to her menstruation cycle, or compare woman to dogs, pigs, slobs…or bimbos. We can believe him because it was clearly a misunderstanding of where ‘wherever’ was located.

 Earlier this year, Trump retweeted — and then deleted — a tweet that said, "If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” He said it was a staffer’s fault. It wasn’t him that tweeted it, even though it was just like his other comments. “Satisfy” wasn’t referencing anything sexual, it was simply misunderstood.

Trump says he loves bimbos...er, broads...that is, babes...you know, sex objects.

Trump consistently insults, belittles, and stereotypes women, having disparaged Sarah Jessica Parker, Katy Perry, Rosie O'Donnell, Cher, Bette Midler, Angelina Jolie, even Ivana when he was still married to her. He is quoted as saying women are essentially aesthetically-pleasing objects, that sexual assault in the military is totally expected, that women need to rely on sex appeal, and that women fawn over him because he’s rich and powerful. But those don’t really reveal his thinking on women. People are just misunderstanding the context of his comments.

The draft dodger and the POW

 Even people he has no quarrel with, like Senator John McCain, are Trump targets. “He’s not a war hero.” Trump snarled in an interview last July in Iowa with Republican pollster Frank Luntz. When called out several times on TV for it, Trump claimed he didn’t say it, then tried to backpedal by saying that he said McCain “WAS a war hero, but nobody wants to play that part” [of the interview]. He thinks the recording will exonerate him, where he clearly says McCain “wasn’t a war hero…Okay, he’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, okay?” When he mocks a former prisoner of war, claiming he wasn’t a war hero because his aircraft was shot down over Hanoi and McCain could not avoid being caught by North Vietnamese forces because he broke both arms and one leg in the ensuing crash…that that actually counts as him saying McCain IS a war hero. His perspective was simply misunderstood.

Mexicans are drug runners, criminals and rapists, breast feeders are horrible people, free trade is terrible (except when he does it), the Chinese can be beaten only by him, it’s just stupid people who care about him previously filing for bankruptcy, that his pregnant wife Melania had become “a monster” (which he said was a positive statement about her), and that he got a draft deferment during the Vietnam War because he had a bone spur in his foot. When politely asked which foot, he stammered and then said “You’ll look it up in the records, it’s in the records.” He just couldn't remember, even with a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

Yes, Jesus loves lying, self-centered, sexist, thrice-married, white billionaires

 As The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart once asked about Trump “What the f*%k is wrong with him?” It’s a question that's being asked every day; because that’s at least the frequency the current GOP front runner makes a bombastic statement. The downside is he gets away with it. His supporters love the comments. They eat it up and demand more…and their numbers are growing. He is never held accountable for saying some of the most pig-headed, narrow-minded, and politically-damaging things as he runs for the highest office in the land. He’s just misunderstood. How clear does he have to say things, about bimbos and others, to be understood?
However, there IS one bimbo who is squarely in Trump’s corner… 
Of course...makes total sense!

If we end up with a President Trump, get ready for the rest of the world to wonder “Are the Americans just completely insane?” Below is already how the world sees candidate Trump, and it’s only going to get worse.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Nation's Police have a New Crime Fighting Tool

Checkmate, evil-doers!

Note this date because we’re now the recipients of the full protective muscle of the nation’s law enforcement officers. Police cars across this great land are being equipped with a new, more powerful, potentially overwhelming crime-fighting device.
It can't help but make police work easier because it's so revolutionary.

 It’s such a simple concept; inexpensive to produce (we can even use the ‘Made in China’ version), easy to adapt to any vehicle, available in a multitude of colors and styles, instantly noticeable and immediately effective. It’s a wonder this hasn’t been standard equipment on all law enforcement vehicles since men and women began wearing badges. This new ‘weapon’ is guaranteed to help police, and that’s according to high government officials, politicians, numerous sheriffs, police captains, priests, and mullahs across the nation.

We can now redirect our police armored divisions to stopping illegal immigrants instead. 

This simple, new weapon will traumatize criminals, law-breakers and scofflaws, causing them to turn from their illegal activity and flee any time they see a law enforcement vehicle armed this way. No longer will any alleyway or tunnel be too dark to investigate. No longer will outlaws ‘outgun’ police. No longer will gangs of thugs be able to control a street, let alone an entire municipality. The proponents of this method allude that it will stop offensive conduct cold. 
And it has a tremendous upside too because those people the police claim to protect and serve will be instilled with delight, relief and a strengthening of their belief whenever they see these newly equipped vehicles.

It’s worked so well in other countries, it’s just difficult to believe we didn’t do this years ago” said one deputy who asked to remain anonymous due to his undercover work. "It only took ten seconds to install."

Let the word go forth…
...is the new aid in helping to take a bite outta crime.

Just kidding. 
Here’s what they're actually equipping their cars with…

Nothing says "Trust in God" like wearing a handgun, Taser, mace, baton, knife, handcuffs and body camera.

I feel safer already

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thank God we have these Moral Guardians

                   At least this time he diddled someone to whom he wasn't related 

As if molesting his sisters and another family friend wasn’t enough. As if getting an intervention in 2002 by mom and dad Michelle and Jim Bob, and a stern talking to by the law enforcement friend who’s now behind bars for child porn wouldn't calm his libido. While he was harping about the evils of abortion, homosexuality, and fornication of any sort, (except male and female, married one time only, to each other)…it turns out Josh Duggar has something in common with people like Bill Cosby…PUDDING! Pudding his dick where it didn’t belong. This time he can’t claim it was youthful indiscretion. He’s been recently cheating on his wife of nearly seven years and enjoying porno on the side as well. What a great daddy and husband. What an exemplar role model. What a surprise that calling on God and Jesus didn’t prevent his sexual indiscretion, especially since family members knew he was warped over 12 years ago.

        The Christian right is nothing but a constellation of hypocrites making a mockery of everything they claim to uphold biblically. A random sample: Ted Haggard’s constant screaming about the evils of drugs and homosexuality right up to the weekend before he got caught doing both…Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, pregnant out of wedlock again, this time after earning over $262,000 from The Candies Foundation, an abstinence only group, Pentecostal John Brock of Bell County, Kentucky who followed the words of Mark 16:18, “…will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all,” then died after being bitten by said snake…and mega-church pastor Zachery Tims, who preached the prosperity gospel and then abused his prosperity on a lethal dose of coke and heroin. But the newest star is super-Christian, GOP photo-favorite, and Family Research Council judge-jury-and executioner Josh Duggar admitting he had an Ashley Madison affair website account, and to porking someone other than his wife. Poor Anna won’t be allowed to divorce this scumbag regardless of where his willie has been. But I do hope she uses some of that 19 Kids and Counting money for an STD test.

                                 "Family"...a word to display on a shelf at home.

        And how does the religious right explain away these kinds of acts? Like this: “Satan knows that by instigating a scandal with an evangelical Christian leader, he can have a powerful impact. Just as King David’s adultery with Bathsheba and arranged murder of Uriah caused great damage to David’s family and the entire nation of Israel, so has many a church or ministry been damaged or destroyed by the moral failure of its leader. Many Christians have had their faith weakened as a result of seeing a leader fall. Non-Christians use the failure of “Christian” leaders as a reason to reject Christianity. Satan and his demons know this, and therefore direct more of their attacks against those in leadership roles. The Bible warns us all, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

                                      "You're f*cking gonna blame ME???"

As the old joke goes, what's worse than having an imaginary friend? Having an imaginary enemy. See, the devil made them do it…they aren’t responsible for their reprehensible behavior…it’s the influence of the supernatural. I’m going to use that excuse if I get pulled over for any reason by the cops, or am audited by the IRS. I’m sure it will work for me just like it does for evangelicals to explain their peccadilloes. 

        I don’t give a damn how many times Josh claims he is “the biggest hypocrite ever” in order to atone for cheating on his wife. We already know that! Repeating it doesn't change the outcome. He is guilty of far more than just your garden-variety hypocrisy. He built a career on being a morally superior blowhard. "God is righteous and is going to judge all of us unless we abandon sin and immorality" as defined by him, his sanctimonious parents, and the Family Research Council. He is the epitome of why Christianity, and all religions, should be treated like the Black Plague. It does not lead to a more virtuous life. It’s a license to sin. In Christianity, if you get caught, claim the blood of Jesus has cleansed you and go right back to sinning. Jesus paid the bill so enjoy the fact that you can get away with anything and everything.
        All that prayer and strengthening of faith Michelle and Jim Bob claimed they did for Josh after he admitted to molesting his sisters didn’t do shit for Josh. It just created a smarmier and sneakier shit.
                   Josh Duggar indicates how much respect he has for "family values"

          In my opinion though, Josh can redeem himself this way: he should return every dime he earned as the spokesman for the Family Research Council. He didn’t measure up to any of the crap he was espousing so he should not keep the rewards of promoting what he wasn’t willing to practice. He should be forced to wear a scarlet “A” on his forehead the rest of his life. Plus, he should submit to having an inch of his penis chopped off for every crack he’s slipped it into other than Anna’s. Fair enough, Josh?