Monday, September 07, 2015

Nation's Police have a New Crime Fighting Tool

Checkmate, evil-doers!

Note this date because we’re now the recipients of the full protective muscle of the nation’s law enforcement officers. Police cars across this great land are being equipped with a new, more powerful, potentially overwhelming crime-fighting device.
It can't help but make police work easier because it's so revolutionary.

 It’s such a simple concept; inexpensive to produce (we can even use the ‘Made in China’ version), easy to adapt to any vehicle, available in a multitude of colors and styles, instantly noticeable and immediately effective. It’s a wonder this hasn’t been standard equipment on all law enforcement vehicles since men and women began wearing badges. This new ‘weapon’ is guaranteed to help police, and that’s according to high government officials, politicians, numerous sheriffs, police captains, priests, and mullahs across the nation.

We can now redirect our police armored divisions to stopping illegal immigrants instead. 

This simple, new weapon will traumatize criminals, law-breakers and scofflaws, causing them to turn from their illegal activity and flee any time they see a law enforcement vehicle armed this way. No longer will any alleyway or tunnel be too dark to investigate. No longer will outlaws ‘outgun’ police. No longer will gangs of thugs be able to control a street, let alone an entire municipality. The proponents of this method allude that it will stop offensive conduct cold. 
And it has a tremendous upside too because those people the police claim to protect and serve will be instilled with delight, relief and a strengthening of their belief whenever they see these newly equipped vehicles.

It’s worked so well in other countries, it’s just difficult to believe we didn’t do this years ago” said one deputy who asked to remain anonymous due to his undercover work. "It only took ten seconds to install."

Let the word go forth… the new aid in helping to take a bite outta crime.

Just kidding. 
Here’s what they're actually equipping their cars with…

Nothing says "Trust in God" like wearing a handgun, Taser, mace, baton, knife, handcuffs and body camera.

I feel safer already

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