Thursday, December 10, 2020

Florida GOP Doesn't Trust Georgia's Republican Voters

This needs to be exposed because it is wrong. 

I am a disgusted republican with a small “r” and as a member of the republican party I received this invitation from the Duval County know, in Jacksonville, help “spread the good news” in Georgia about how they should vote and who they should vote for. It's the Savannah Invasion Weekend coming up. Atlanta, you're next! {Also, notice the typical Trump email misspelling in the "Note:" line.}

At least the GOP admits it is an assault of some sort. And it states “We need your help! We must re-elect Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. We? Florida's GOP???

L. Lin "We Ain't Dumb" Wood wearing a hat that proves otherwise

According to the Republican Party of Duval County, Lin Wood is wrong: Georgians ARE DUMB. Up in Georgia they can’t figure out who to select for their Senate seats and need swarms of Florida Republicans to push criminals on Georgians as lame-duck Trump’s firewall representatives in Congress - and the best way to help him.  

The two most uber-wealthy yet crooked individuals to ever represent a state...and Florida’s GOP thinks they should influence Georgia's vote to ensure these grifters return to Congress whether Georgia wants their help or not. 

David Perdue, VP-reject Pence, Kelly Loeffler

This is the best the GOP has to offer? Two privileged millionaires who took full advantage of their positions in the Senate to receive classified, sensitive material and then profit from it on the stock market while Georgians died? Clearly, their portfolios outranked Georgians’ health until it was too late. Loeffler and Perdue knew what was coming and decided to enrich themselves with the hell with Georgia. 

These deceitful swamp dwellers are who Florida’s GOP wants pitched to Georgians, all to please Donald Trump...because, you know...  

...the devil’s goin’ up to Georgia, he is looking for some votes to steal. He is in a bind ‘cause he’s way behind, and he said something ‘bout art of the deal. 

When Republicans bitch and complain about all the voter fraud, they make sure to contribute their fair share of outside influence. Then, when they get caught, they’ll pound their chests in righteous indignation and claim they were doing it to stand up for democracy, the constitution, or fair and untainted elections. 

Here’s a democratic thought; let Georgians determine who they want to represent them. Floridians have no say in the vote, so they should stay the hell out >>>>>>> like you Republican Party of Duval County! 

America needs an unimpeachable election in Georgia without outside influence, not an impeached president who is attempting outside influence. 

Sadly, the Georgia special election won't alter where we're now headed. Trump fatally damaged American democracy, making us less caring, more distrusting, and far more fearful. His influence has permanently disfigured the nation and adversely affected our image, moral standing, where we go, and how we react to it from this point forward. 

Trump hard at work fighting for Loeffler and Perdue on a par 4

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Further Proof of Donald Trump's Unorthodox Military Prowess

    It's absolute military genius! And only Donald Trump could discover it.

    President Trump has exposed a critical flaw in our military’s thinking. In discussing forest fire management, he revealed that soldiers don’t need hand-held explosives. 

Young, brittle trees prove to be more deadly than a mine or a grenade.

Every forest has downed trees. All a soldier needs to do is find a few that are about 18 months old and dry. They blow up...on contact, by handling, when dropped, the president wasn’t clear on that...but they do explode. So, we don’t need to spend millions on high-tech explosives any further. Just make sure our military fights in forests. They can blast the enemy at will. Of course, the enemy will have access to the same tree source so it may set off a forest arms race. But now we have a jump on stockpiling dry trees for future battles.  

Trump considers ordering conversion of the U.S. Navy to the U.S. Tree Force

Granted, this doesn’t benefit the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, or even Space Force. But when we have to confront ISIS or other Islamic terrorist groups not known for fighting in forests, we can’t let our guard down. It’s best to stay near forests with lots of young, dry, fallen trees as weapons.  

This is why Donald Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces! Who can deny it now? 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Bay of Pigs Award - is fake. It is actually a present from Brigade 2506 survivors for visiting their museum


      The Bay of Pigs Award is not the name of the item Donald Trump is holding here. Members of the Veterans of Brigade 2506 have given him a reproduction of the badge they carried into battle as thanks for his expressed opposition to Human Rights abuses and fighting Totalitarian Regimes. It was a gift from them when he visited the Brigade 2506 Museum in Little Havana Miami in October 2016 when he feared losing Florida during the campaign.
       Trump was fishing for Hispanic votes, which is why his handlers had him visit the museum. A couple of Brigade 2506 veterans gave him a plaque as a way of thanking him for coming. They didn't present it to him with great fanfare saying "Here is our Bay of Pigs Award because you're a great man." They gave him the plaque because he made a suitable condemnation of Fidel Castro, even though earlier - before the embargo was lifted - Trump circumvented the law searching for real estate in Cuba in the 1990s which would have helped the Castro regime. Do you think they knew that? They should now.

        And there has never been a "Bay of Pigs Award". Only a complete idiot would repeatedly call that plaque of the Brigade's badge by the name of the battle they fought and lost. 

All Donald Trump knows is that the men who presented him with the plaque were at a place called the Bay of Pigs...and they were thanking him for something he assumed had to do with that place and that he somehow improved it by coming to their museum. 

If at this point you're wondering WTF is the “Bay of Pigs Award” that Donald Trump proudly owns, then you have to wonder - does that mean Trump himself can be defeated in 3 days after he launches an ill-advised, ill-prepared, poorly-armed mission? Does the CIA receive it along with Trump? Why would Cuban-Americans award anything to someone associated with the U.S. government when it was government officials, primarily in the CIA, who misled, lied to, and ultimately stabbed in the back Brigade 2506? 

It was not John F. Kennedy. He was bamboozled by the CIA but took the fall by accepting responsibility as president. He then arranged and bought the survivor's freedom out of Castro's jails for roughly $53 million where most of the CIA preferred to let the prisoners rot. The Brigade 2506 survivors were released by the Castro government and returned to the U.S. in December 1962.

But the CIA has done a stellar job of ducking responsibility for their failures to the Brigade, misdirecting, and successfully pinning the blame on the assassinated president. Such CIA bravery.

Trump actually believes Cuban-Americans will flock to him if he gives himself a fictitious award named after the only military mission he knows that involved Cubans. He couldn’t tell you any details about the invasion at Playa Giron, Playa Largo, or Brigade 2506. Hell, he couldn’t tell you what year it happened. Those would be revealing questions to ask Trump. Why was the Cuban invasion force called Brigade 2506, or when did the invasion occur? Trump?  

He is renaming that plaque in order to gain - unearned - the loyalty of what he assumes are low-information Cuban-American voters who recognize the English words Bay of Pigs (Trump couldn’t pronounce Bahia Cochinos if his life depended on it). Plus, he hopes low-information American voters will be suitably impressed with a fake military operation-named presentation like "The Bay of Pigs Award" from Cubans who were there. The bogus award would show how others see him as honoring, not just American soldiers, but foreign soldiers who fight for the same principles. Trump is counting on them being suckers enough to fall for his falsely-named award targeted at the Latino community, and more importantly at history-ignorant American voters. 

 This is the Brigade's Flag. It was returned to them by John F. Kennedy.

C’mon, what else do Spanish-speaking people need? Trump has done more for Latinos – by simply claiming this Bay of Pigs Award – than any other president. They have to realize that Trump is honoring Cuban-Americans, (and by extension all Hispanics) by showing solidarity with them through a falsely-named shoulder patch plaque. Why wouldn’t they be stupid enough to vote for the guy who doesn’t give a damn about them except to usurp the name of a battle they bled in, lost hundreds of fellow soldiers during, then were defeated by Castro’s forces, and claim it as an award from the survivors? 

Since receiving that tribute plaque of the Brigade's shoulder patch, how has Trump helped Cuban-Americans? Why should any Cuban-American vote for a man who makes up names of awards to puff up his image simply to pander for their votes?

Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about American soldiers. How much less of a damn do you think he gives about Cuban-American soldiers? The fact that he uses the name of the battle they lost, rather than naming the award after the fighting Brigade itself, tells you everything you need to know about how Trump sees Cuban-Americans.

Trump is on the hunt for suckers and losers who buy into whatever lie he makes up. Here is hoping Brigade 2506 members and their families are smarter than that. 

Brigade 2506 survivors were returned to the U.S Christmas Eve 1962. Many met with and most forgave John Kennedy for the failed mission. Here they greet the president and Jackie at the Orange Bowl in Miami the day they were freed.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Parable Paradox - Jesus Deliberately Misdirects


Maybe my first parable should be about your planning ahead next time...
        After reading the bible or hearing a sermon about Jesus, have you ever wondered why he spoke in so many parables rather than just speaking directly about matters that affected something as serious as an immortal soul and the life to come? You’d think he’d want to be as precise, unambiguous, and crystal clear on this issue as he could be. So why all the puffery, misdirection, and charades in the parables when it could have been so simple with a direct message?  

The Bible offers few clues as to why Jesus couldn’t plainly say what needed to be said. For starters, the bible is not exactly a good source for anything given its own dubious history. (Don’t bother asking Christians what it says in the very first, original bible. There isn’t one. The earliest complete bible dates only from the 600s and is reputedly in a vault beneath the Vatican. How do the faithful know what the first bible said? 

So, are the stories in the bible recording times when Jesus was trying to entertain those who were listening, or did he have some other darker purpose in mind with his parable ploy?  

According to Mark:4 verses 11-12 “He (Jesus) said to them, unto you is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables. That seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear, and not understand lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” 

That sounds like the function of Jesus’ parables was to confuse. He was speaking to his disciples, telling them THEY are given to know what God wants. If others listen in and try to divine the message, well, screw them. They may see and hear it, but they won’t perceive or understand it. Jesus wants them kept ignorant. They can’t be converted and forgiven their sins by direct message. They must filter it out through a multi-layered parable that was MEANT to confuse and ultimately damn them. And it’s THEIR fault if they fail. 

Apparently, Jesus didn’t want a large group of Christians gathered in Heaven when it was all over. He wanted to baffle the audience via the parable so most of them would end up in hell. The parable was Jesus’ misdirect into the everlasting fire, and he KNEW it was. Why would anyone worship such a monster? 

John 3:16 Corrected

       Jesus spoke in code or in riddles as sort of a “this is a wheat separated from chaff test” for his followers - to see if any could decipher them. If they couldn’t, well, Jesus literally didn’t give a damn if they failed. That was the whole point of the parables. They were an early manifestation of what satirist George Elliott wrote in his piece about Calvinists who claimed to be “the elect”: “We’re the Lord’s elected few, let all the rest be damned. There’s room enough in Hell for you. We don’t want Heaven crammed!”  

Would you have learned spelling, math or a foreign language if it was taught to you only via parable and it was up to you to discern the reality of those subjects? Would you have known where to turn for an answer? Would being given ambiguous information repeatedly have motivated you to seek greater answers?  

This is what the Bible teaches about Jesus and his reliance on parables. It is useless information. No one needs to follow such a deranged and bizarre cult as Christianity. 

Parables are fairy tales. They are stories meant to entertain little children. They have no place being presented as truth and the perfect repository of knowledge, information, and instruction. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Promises Made, Promises Kept Milestone Reached - 100,000 Dead

        Congratulations Mr. President. You've reached your predetermined "very good job" performance level. If this isn't proof that the evangelicals were right about you all along, I don't know what is. 
        Romans 13 makes it clear you can do whatever you like and no one can challenge it because...God!
        You must be so excited!