Monday, July 29, 2019

Fake it 'til you break it -- A False Presidency and a Fantasy Wall

Now that the Supreme Court has determined that Mexico - as in “Mexico will pay for the wall” - is located in the Defense Department’s budget, it’s time to consider Trump’s “wall.”

Trump's wall is as fake as his understanding of the presidency.

His wall is as fake as his marriages.

His wall is as fake as his love for Don Junior, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron.

His wall is as fake as his comb-over.

His wall is as fake as his conservatism.

His wall is as fake as his religious beliefs.

His wall is as fake as his golf handicap.

His wall is as fake as the top 10 floor numbers of Trump Tower

Need I say more? Okay…

His wall is as fake as his patriotism.

His wall is as fake as his skin color...

Add your own.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Angela Merkel's Reaction to Trump's Latest Rant

Just imagine if this happened as the world responds to America’s Buffoon-in-Chief.
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May called Donald Trump’s tweets against U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar “completely unacceptable.” Incoming Prime Minister Boris Johnson echoed May’s sentiment that this is not how world leaders act with his own observation that “If you are the leader of a great multiracial, multicultural society, you simply cannot use that kind of language.” UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn brooked no semantic games and straight-up called Trump a racist. Canada’s Justin Trudeau told reporters “That’s not how we do things in Canada.” Many more voices were raised against Trump’s screed, from New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, and the European Council. Every day more world leaders express their revulsion over Trump's remarks.

Now German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the latest to condemn Donald Trump for tweeting and then telling four young Democratic Congresswomen to “go back to your country” while tacitly approving of his sycophants at a Greenville, NC rally to chant “send her back” for a full 15 seconds. Merkel revealed she opposed the sentiments…but for an entirely different reason.
“No, this needs to stop,” Merkel said outside the German Chancellory, “there should be no more of this sending them back talk. Do you realize that if this spreads, those opposed to Trump will demand he go back to where his family is from? I know he told reporters that his father was from Germany, but this is Donald Trump. He lies. His father was born in New York so that is where he should go back to. His grandfather Friedrich Drumpf, however, was born in Kallstadt, Bavaria in 1869. That means people might start demanding that Trump be sent back here.”

          At this point, a look of disgust swept over Ms. Merkel’s face. She then shook violently, took a deep breath, and almost hissed “We don’t want him here. The German people do not want to have any association with Donald Trump. That would be an additional disaster for us to have to contend with. Our past is tainted by tyrants. We have been bled to death by the decisions of those men. But now we are a peaceful country. We have learned to live with others on this planet. We don’t need Trump’s divisiveness, empty promises, and self-centeredness. Donald Trump is America’s problem.”  

          Just imagine if it was possible to send Trump back to Germany like he thinks those four Congresswomen should go back to the country their ancestors left. What kind of chaos would ensue? While I don’t know about conditions in the various countries where the four women’s ancestors lived I would bet that any of them would be welcomed by the people of that country as well as they are welcomed by the constituents they represent in their home states. But the Germans clearly no more want Trump in their country than a majority of Americans want him here. We have to get him out of office, arrest him, try him for the crimes he has already admitted to, and see to it he spends the rest of his life in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. His wealth and power do not put him above the law and they are not "get out of jail free" cards.

Angela Merkel would be right. Only Americans can do anything about a president who defies our courts, who replaces people around him with only “yes-men” and “yes-women” to provide cover for him while he enriches himself  at our expense, who lies about anything as he goes along, who approves of foreign leaders killing Americans or legal residents of the U.S., who was having sex with an adult film star and a Playboy model a year after marrying his third wife and just after the birth of his fifth child then covered it up with Michael Cohen’s help in order to get elected, and a man who is laughed at and denigrated by the rest of the world as confirmed by the former UK ambassador’s private email exchanges, and at the UN last September. That is why we have the 25th amendment, to remove a person who has proven to be morally and mentally unfit to hold the office of President of the United States.

George Washington weighs in on the Trump presidency

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Celebrating our Independence?

The Republican Party has sold out the nation to Russia. Our own intelligence agencies, as well as our foreign intelligence friends, were warning us the Russians were interfering in the 2016 election. The Mueller Report confirmed this. Donald Trump became president thanks to Russian meddling.
How clearly does that have to be stated to anyone?
Here’s the thing; Donald Trump doesn’t care how this looks. He doesn’t care if there was collusion or obstruction. As long as it got Trump what he wanted, it was okay. He admits it in his line of tweets like “…I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.” This is called an Excited Utterance which the Federal Rules of Evidence say is admissible in court. Trump is admitting he knew they were doing it but he doesn't see anything wrong with it.
The Republicans, the nation, even the Constitution mean nothing to him. Power and the unbridled capacity to enrich himself with it is the only thing that matters.
Yet the GOP still defends whatever Kremlin-asset Donald Trump does without question. This is the very definition of treason against the United States.
But by all means, enjoy Trump’s overpriced Fourth of July martial spectacle celebrating our “independence.”