Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Celebrating our Independence?

The Republican Party has sold out the nation to Russia. Our own intelligence agencies, as well as our foreign intelligence friends, were warning us the Russians were interfering in the 2016 election. The Mueller Report confirmed this. Donald Trump became president thanks to Russian meddling.
How clearly does that have to be stated to anyone?
Here’s the thing; Donald Trump doesn’t care how this looks. He doesn’t care if there was collusion or obstruction. As long as it got Trump what he wanted, it was okay. He admits it in his line of tweets like “…I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.” This is called an Excited Utterance which the Federal Rules of Evidence say is admissible in court. Trump is admitting he knew they were doing it but he doesn't see anything wrong with it.
The Republicans, the nation, even the Constitution mean nothing to him. Power and the unbridled capacity to enrich himself with it is the only thing that matters.
Yet the GOP still defends whatever Kremlin-asset Donald Trump does without question. This is the very definition of treason against the United States.
But by all means, enjoy Trump’s overpriced Fourth of July martial spectacle celebrating our “independence.”

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