Tuesday, September 22, 2015

End of the World - September 23, 2015

         Have you said your goodbyes, made your peace, and prepared for the end? According to the latest Christian interpretation of scripture, or maybe cooking the numbers to fit a preconceived outcome they desperately want is a better way to put it, it will happen on September 23, 2015 as described in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. You want proof? The signs are all over the place.

        The brilliant light falling through the sky that was filmed over Bangkok, Thailand September 7th. It just couldn’t possibly have been a meteor simply burning up in the atmosphere like meteors do every day.

       A huge sand storm swept across the western Middle East September 8th to 10th, like another did on June 1, 2015, Feb. 10-11, 2015, June 2, 2014, May 7, 2014, April 11-12, 2013…(notice a pattern forming here?) Google the dates and see for yourself. Since this one was larger than usual thanks to less rainfall this year, it is a sure-fire apocalyptic sign. A Christian blogger making a postdiction wrote that “the prophesy that The LORD revealed to me on 19th November 2014, about “a Rain of Sand” coming to the earth, has accurately been fulfilled 10 months later.” I guess God didn't want to rush into things......plus, a rain of sand coming to earth sounds like something originating from above, not from the dry land just to the east of you. He wants to shoehorn this postdiction in among his numerous FAILED predictions as proof that he is one of God’s select.

Allahu Akbar

         The giant crane toppling onto the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia on September 11th killing 107 worshipers and injuring hundreds more. Yahweh or Jehovah (we aren’t sure which) was purportedly showing the Muslims that Allah is a false god otherwise He would have protected them. For Americans there’s even the added bonus of it happening on the anniversary of 9/11 so God could show us, 14 years too late, that He’s on our side.

The iridescent cloud seen over the mountains of Costa Rica on September 15th, even though there was a perfectly understandable meteorological cause. Many people in this predominantly Catholic country claimed it was God letting them know the end is nigh.

The earthquake and tsunami off Chile on September 17th…is proof that God’s face ‘moved over the waters’ as it says in Genesis 1:2.

Pope Francis says homosexuals are not evil, abortion is forgivable, and he visits the communist island nation of Cuba…giving further proof that he is actually the antichrist.

Slavery okay, torture okay, rape and incest okay, two men or two women in love and wanting to marry, that’s not okay.

Ultra-Christian homophobe and hypocrite Kim Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky is jailed for five days in early September for defying a Supreme Court ruling and a U.S. District Judge by refusing to issue marriage licenses to anyone so she doesn’t have to betray her Christian conscience regarding same sex couples. Putting a Christian bigot behind bars is the last straw before God steps in.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker suspends his presidential race on September 21st due to low…and I mean really low…polling numbers, which is proof God is prepping him for a quick rapture off the planet so he won’t have to disappoint any of his supporters. (God must like making fools of candidates because didn't He also 'call' Pat Robertson to run for president in 1988?)

And the biggest sign that the end is here…the Cleveland Browns managed to beat the Tennessee Titans 28-14 on Sunday, September 20th. How much more proof do you need?

Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance...

One more thing…there will be a naturally occurring and completely anticipated “Blood Moon” on September 27th-28th when the full moon passes through the Earth's shadow. What this has to do with the end of the world I have no idea but Christians are mentioning it frequently on their websites and in their blogs. I’m betting that nothing will happen on September 23rd and when it doesn’t the end-of-the-world theorists will shift the focus to this date, claiming they just had the math slightly off. When it doesn’t pan out on the 28th they will select another date somewhere in the near future and keep up the apocalyptic drumbeat. Surely God won’t make them wrong forever…will he?

Remember these predictions that came to pass? Me neither!

(Addendum - September 25th. We are still here...no apocalypse on the 23rd...however, like I wrote above, several Christian websites and blogs, like those of John Hagee, Mark Blitz, and Irvin Baxter, claim the Blood moon on the 27th-28th is an indicator of End Times....Ooooooh, I'm so scared...because this time they got it right.) 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Misunderstanding Trump

       He's number 1.....He's number 1.....He's number 1

          Poor, poor misunderstood Donald Trump. Here he is trying to steer the country back onto the right path after what he calls the failure of the Obama presidency, and everyone is instead distracted by his perceived verbal gaffs. It’s hampering his shot at the White House where he says he’ll ‘Make America Great Again’. Incidentally, that motto was plagiarized from Ronald Reagan who used “Let’s Make America Great Again” in the 1980s. Trump says he came up with the phrase on his own and that it has nothing to do with Reagan’s. But does anyone pay attention to his making America great…again? No. All people want to do is misquote him or knowingly misrepresent what he implied. He speaks his mind off-the-cuff-like, and then the media puts its own spin on it to make him look like a first-class jerk. That’s because what was recorded and what we heard was simply a misunderstanding of what he said. In other words, it’s our fault, not his.

        For example:
In a Sept. 2015 Rolling Stone interview, Trump is quoted saying about rival GOP candidate Carly Fiorina: "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?" He claims he wasn’t talking about her looks, “I'm talking about persona," he corrected everyone. And we can believe him. When he uses the word ‘face’ twice, it’s simply our not realizing he meant a theatrical mask.

 At the Republican debate in August 2015, after moderator Megyn Kelly asked him about the sexist comments he’s made, such as calling some women "fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals," Trump retaliated later by saying she had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever…" He claims he meant her nose. Obviously. “Wherever…” always means nose. He even added the caveat "Only a deviant would think anything else" while also tossing in that Megyn was a “bimbo”. He wouldn’t stoop to saying anything sexist that might refer to her menstruation cycle, or compare woman to dogs, pigs, slobs…or bimbos. We can believe him because it was clearly a misunderstanding of where ‘wherever’ was located.

 Earlier this year, Trump retweeted — and then deleted — a tweet that said, "If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” He said it was a staffer’s fault. It wasn’t him that tweeted it, even though it was just like his other comments. “Satisfy” wasn’t referencing anything sexual, it was simply misunderstood.

Trump says he loves bimbos...er, broads...that is, babes...you know, sex objects.

Trump consistently insults, belittles, and stereotypes women, having disparaged Sarah Jessica Parker, Katy Perry, Rosie O'Donnell, Cher, Bette Midler, Angelina Jolie, even Ivana when he was still married to her. He is quoted as saying women are essentially aesthetically-pleasing objects, that sexual assault in the military is totally expected, that women need to rely on sex appeal, and that women fawn over him because he’s rich and powerful. But those don’t really reveal his thinking on women. People are just misunderstanding the context of his comments.

The draft dodger and the POW

 Even people he has no quarrel with, like Senator John McCain, are Trump targets. “He’s not a war hero.” Trump snarled in an interview last July in Iowa with Republican pollster Frank Luntz. When called out several times on TV for it, Trump claimed he didn’t say it, then tried to backpedal by saying that he said McCain “WAS a war hero, but nobody wants to play that part” [of the interview]. He thinks the recording will exonerate him, where he clearly says McCain “wasn’t a war hero…Okay, he’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, okay?” When he mocks a former prisoner of war, claiming he wasn’t a war hero because his aircraft was shot down over Hanoi and McCain could not avoid being caught by North Vietnamese forces because he broke both arms and one leg in the ensuing crash…that that actually counts as him saying McCain IS a war hero. His perspective was simply misunderstood.

Mexicans are drug runners, criminals and rapists, breast feeders are horrible people, free trade is terrible (except when he does it), the Chinese can be beaten only by him, it’s just stupid people who care about him previously filing for bankruptcy, that his pregnant wife Melania had become “a monster” (which he said was a positive statement about her), and that he got a draft deferment during the Vietnam War because he had a bone spur in his foot. When politely asked which foot, he stammered and then said “You’ll look it up in the records, it’s in the records.” He just couldn't remember, even with a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

Yes, Jesus loves lying, self-centered, sexist, thrice-married, white billionaires

 As The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart once asked about Trump “What the f*%k is wrong with him?” It’s a question that's being asked every day; because that’s at least the frequency the current GOP front runner makes a bombastic statement. The downside is he gets away with it. His supporters love the comments. They eat it up and demand more…and their numbers are growing. He is never held accountable for saying some of the most pig-headed, narrow-minded, and politically-damaging things as he runs for the highest office in the land. He’s just misunderstood. How clear does he have to say things, about bimbos and others, to be understood?
However, there IS one bimbo who is squarely in Trump’s corner… 
Of course...makes total sense!

If we end up with a President Trump, get ready for the rest of the world to wonder “Are the Americans just completely insane?” Below is already how the world sees candidate Trump, and it’s only going to get worse.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Nation's Police have a New Crime Fighting Tool

Checkmate, evil-doers!

Note this date because we’re now the recipients of the full protective muscle of the nation’s law enforcement officers. Police cars across this great land are being equipped with a new, more powerful, potentially overwhelming crime-fighting device.
It can't help but make police work easier because it's so revolutionary.

 It’s such a simple concept; inexpensive to produce (we can even use the ‘Made in China’ version), easy to adapt to any vehicle, available in a multitude of colors and styles, instantly noticeable and immediately effective. It’s a wonder this hasn’t been standard equipment on all law enforcement vehicles since men and women began wearing badges. This new ‘weapon’ is guaranteed to help police, and that’s according to high government officials, politicians, numerous sheriffs, police captains, priests, and mullahs across the nation.

We can now redirect our police armored divisions to stopping illegal immigrants instead. 

This simple, new weapon will traumatize criminals, law-breakers and scofflaws, causing them to turn from their illegal activity and flee any time they see a law enforcement vehicle armed this way. No longer will any alleyway or tunnel be too dark to investigate. No longer will outlaws ‘outgun’ police. No longer will gangs of thugs be able to control a street, let alone an entire municipality. The proponents of this method allude that it will stop offensive conduct cold. 
And it has a tremendous upside too because those people the police claim to protect and serve will be instilled with delight, relief and a strengthening of their belief whenever they see these newly equipped vehicles.

It’s worked so well in other countries, it’s just difficult to believe we didn’t do this years ago” said one deputy who asked to remain anonymous due to his undercover work. "It only took ten seconds to install."

Let the word go forth…
...is the new aid in helping to take a bite outta crime.

Just kidding. 
Here’s what they're actually equipping their cars with…

Nothing says "Trust in God" like wearing a handgun, Taser, mace, baton, knife, handcuffs and body camera.

I feel safer already