Sunday, April 19, 2020

The No Plan Man - Why Donald Trump will be forgotten

Heroes need not speak. When they are gone, the world speaks for them. This is why Donald Trump’s legacy will end when he is gone. His family will not be able to keep it alive because his legacy was built on a foundation of lies. Actual heroism is never built on lies; it is built on selflessness, honor, and empathy.
If anyone decides to remember Donald Trump in the future, it will be in a disparaging way; for example, in the way we remember the Black Plague, the Inquisition, or Benedict Arnold. Despite his family’s desperate attempts to burnish his image after Trump has passed away, it will be for naught. Far too few people will have a lasting positive image of Donald Trump and it will be apparent at the nation’s lack of interest in remembering anything with the word 'Trump' in it.

Nobody will ever equate Trump with heroism, being valiant, or someone you would want your children to emulate. What Trump has instead manufactured over the years is that of a tyrannical petty real estate speculator, a mean-spirited minor TV actor who pretended to be a serious businessman, an unethical and immoral monster, a self-centered simpleton who conned just enough people to get into a high political office he was ill-prepared for (and never smart enough to handle, anyway), and a callous cold-blooded murderer who played golf when he should have been addressing the test kit shortage in the nation as CoVID-19 began to sweep through the country. 

        Donald Trump is and always has been a carnival barker with no moral compass. Heroism isn't in his character. 

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