Monday, March 30, 2020

"Wartime President" Trump promises 100,000 dead in Coronavirus fight

        In a White House press briefing on Sunday, March 29th, President Trump told the assembled reporters that his holding the body count to 100,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in the United States means he's done a good job! The death toll today is just under 3,000 Americans. Only 97,000 more to go, Trump.
        Avast, ya swabs...hoist the Black Flag!

Trump cited projection models that said as many as 2.2 million people or more might die. “And so, if we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 – it’s a horrible number, maybe even less, but to 100,000, so we have between 100 and 200,000 – we all together have done a very good job.” And he's usurping the title 'wartime president' in hopes that his history-ignorant supporters will lump Trump in with actual wartime leaders like Roosevelt, Wilson, and Lincoln.
Everyone remembers Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address where he cited 10,000 sacred battlefield fatalities as a very good job for a first-term president. One of FDR's most evocative, and final, fireside chats in late February 1945 still trigger warm memories when he proudly announced to Americans that 7,000 Marines and sailors killed at Iwo Jima showed what a great wartime leader he'd become. So Trump owning up to his projected death count - that he caused through sheer ineptitude - is somehow presidential. Apparently, all great presidents have to constantly remind everyone how incredible they are. It comes with the territory because memories are so short.

Trump honestly thinks that, due to his delaying any testing or taking serious measures in the U.S. until it was far too late to contain the spread of the virus, he should be congratulated for a death toll that will top 100,000. Well then, if it only kills half of the initial 2.2 million estimate…so 1.1 million dead, can’t Trump still claim success because his delayed efforts only led to half the number of predicted deaths? What does this say about Trump's empathy? What does this say about the Trump-defending GOP that remains silent?

So in less than a half a year, we could have twice the number of deaths the U.S. suffered in 10 years of fighting in Vietnam - a war in which Trump actively avoided service - and yet Trump thinks that means his efforts were successful.
One of the striking features of this virus is it is killing Americans who are from Trump's largest pool of supporters, those 60 and older. Yet Trump seemingly has no compassion for them. One hundred thousand of them dying because of his failure will have no more impact on him than the last breeze. But this kind of impact happening one hundred thousand times should be what he actually receives...

One wonders what ultimate benefit was it for them to vote for Trump? He destroyed the health of the nation by failing to lead when he was first told about the virus in January. That failure led to a catastrophic collapse of the stock market. In a little over one month, Trump's incompetence responding to the spreading pandemic triggered an over 10,000 point loss which completely wiped out his entire economic bragging point for the past 3 1/2 years.
Trump made the bald-faced claim that if not for him and his administration being in charge right now at this time, we "wouldn't even have a country anymore." How does he know this? Conjecture and alternative facts do not equal reality. At the rate he is going, Trump will cause the demise and collapse of the United States just as sure as his negligence back in January led to the massive spread of the coronavirus across the nation.
Remember when Trump asked, regarding electing him, "What have you got to lose?"
Now you know. 
For starters, 100,000 Americans to CoVID-19 is what we've got to lose. But in Trump's mind, that's a good job.  

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