Monday, December 11, 2017

Something Caught in your Throat? Trump's Recent Weird Speech

On December 6th 2017, Trump gave a speech about moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in Israel. If you were watching you most likely heard something odd in the last minute where he slurred through much of the remainder of that speech. It sounded as if, if he had dentures, they had come loose and were bumping around in his mouth, or that his tongue wouldn’t cooperate. The next day, in response, the White House announced that Trump would have a physical “early next year.”
Spoiler Alert: That physical exam will be a smoke screen. It will be to cover up what has happened. The people protecting Trump are not going to allow anyone to know what he really suffered or what is actually going on. Any results that are eventually made public will be false.

It could simply be that Trump is finally choking on his own bullshit.

He has been unfit for office since before the election that was flipped to him by the Russians, but this escalates the danger to our nation by having a man mentally unfit for office compounded by being physically unfit for office.

Trump’s physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, or as he is referred to by late-night comedians “Dr. Feelgood”, may have contrived with Trump to cover up serious health concerns when he admitted last year that he wrote the letter declaring Trump would be the “healthiest president in history” in just five minutes while a limo sent by the candidate waited outside his Manhattan office. That four paragraph letter is the only medical information that’s been released about and by Trump and it really says nothing at all. It is composed of assertions and grandiose expressions about how astonishingly healthy Trump is but it is nothing close to a medical record. Intriguingly, Bornstein may have been giving us an oblique warning when he later said “the Oval Office has been occupied by presidents with dementia or tumors or even men who were "paranoid" or "psychotic." Was he acknowledging something that implicated Trump’s deteriorating health?

Bornstein’s letter was a bungled attempt to make Trump appear to be Superman but Trump’s diet alone speaks volumes about how he takes care of himself. He frequently eats sodium-heavy, high-fat-content, high-cholesterol-laden, low nutrition fast food like McDonald’s hamburgers, fries, and filet-o-fish sandwiches, KFC’s heavily-breaded chicken pieces, cheese and pepperoni pizzas and large chocolate milkshakes for lunch and sometimes even dinner. When he eats steaks they are so well-done they are almost charred – hidden under a thick layer of ketchup, occasionally accompanied by mashed potatoes smothered in gravy or a salad swimming in Roquefort dressing. When everyone else is served one scoop of ice cream at the White House, Trump has demanded and gets two scoops, plus large pieces of chocolate cake whenever he wants. He rarely eats vegetables and throughout the day he snacks on Vienna Fingers, potato chips, Oreos, and slurps down numerous cans of Diet Coke. He doesn’t exercise, and, as anyone who follows his Twitter account can verify, he gets very little sleep.

He maintains that his golf game is his exercise, and he does play A LOT of golf…more than PGA pros play. But he rides in a golf cart everywhere on the course, even right across the greens. He walks only from the cart to the ball and back. Picture after candid picture of him golfing shows a large belly and an expansive waistline. (Only William Howard Taft was a more...rotund...president.) No one knows for certain how overweight he is because he won’t release his medical records. Nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors who have studied the pictures say he is at least 50 lbs overweight. They have no ax to grind. They are simply making an observation about that person’s body mass in the photographs. Trump does not take his health seriously. So something like a stroke is almost expected given Trump’s callous regard for nutrition and an aversion to physical activity.
Notice that it takes two hands to get the small bottle up to his mouth
The White House issued an explanation for Trump’s slurred speech - and the made-up story was further advanced by their consummate liar, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders - that Trump was just having a problem with a dry throat. So why would Trump need a medical exam? My grandfather suffered a stroke when he was in his 70s and Trump’s speech pattern is exactly what my grandfather’s speech sounded like after his stroke. Grandfather also had dentures but he never sounded like that from loose dentures. From the beginning, Grandfather’s stroke noticeably affected his speech and it only got worse until he died. If Trump actually had a dry throat, why didn’t he just take a swig of water as he has done previously (even though he made fun of Marco Rubio for doing the exact same thing on camera?)

Suffering a stroke is nothing to be ashamed of, but since Trump has been lying to us about showing us his tax returns before election day, about how he now doubts that it’s his voice on the Access Hollywood tape (even though there were nine people on the bus with him at the time who all attest that yes that is Trump), and because he has lied over and over about how he has had nothing to do with Russia, even though he signed a letter of intent in October 2015 to build a Trump Tower in Moscow WHILE HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, there is no reason to believe the White House’s excuse (probably dictated by Trump) that he just had a dry throat.

Trump is either finally starting to choke on his own lies or most likely suffered a mild stroke and has demanded everyone around him lie or keep quiet about it.

I hope his cabinet is brushing up on the 25th Amendment.
"If we use big words like 'responding to Presidential disabilities' he won't know what we're talking about."

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