Saturday, September 19, 2020

Further Proof of Donald Trump's Unorthodox Military Prowess

    It's absolute military genius! And only Donald Trump could discover it.

    President Trump has exposed a critical flaw in our military’s thinking. In discussing forest fire management, he revealed that soldiers don’t need hand-held explosives. 

Young, brittle trees prove to be more deadly than a mine or a grenade.

Every forest has downed trees. All a soldier needs to do is find a few that are about 18 months old and dry. They blow up...on contact, by handling, when dropped, the president wasn’t clear on that...but they do explode. So, we don’t need to spend millions on high-tech explosives any further. Just make sure our military fights in forests. They can blast the enemy at will. Of course, the enemy will have access to the same tree source so it may set off a forest arms race. But now we have a jump on stockpiling dry trees for future battles.  

Trump considers ordering conversion of the U.S. Navy to the U.S. Tree Force

Granted, this doesn’t benefit the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, or even Space Force. But when we have to confront ISIS or other Islamic terrorist groups not known for fighting in forests, we can’t let our guard down. It’s best to stay near forests with lots of young, dry, fallen trees as weapons.  

This is why Donald Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces! Who can deny it now? 


Unknown said...

Actually, Australian eucalyptus are a major problem in wild fires especially in CA, their xylum has an oil that has the wonderful properties of causing the trees to dangerously snap and explode when they freeze and to detonate in wildfires and lighting strikes. CA deserves to be trashed on their forest management (or lack thereof) because they haven't maintained controlled burns and firebreaks and they haven't culled the eucalyptus which can throw burning oil sap hundreds of feet from the tree when they explode.

Gary C. Warne said...

Wonderful news, Unknown. I hope you've sent this information to our great military commander Donald Trump so he can order the Pentagon to work your valuable information into their future battle plans. It is wonderful to know there are scientists and learned people out there like you who avail the administration with justification for its most outlandish and idiotic ideas proposed. Was Trump talking about these particular trees? Do you know? Probably not, but you decided his wild observations about forest fires and exploding trees had a rational basis...major forest forests can be contained if we just isolate all those damned exploding Australian Eucalyptus trees with their napalm-like xylem oil from the other less-flammable native trees.