Republicans and evangelicals: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? I know I am digitally shouting by typing in all caps and then making it bold, but this is an issue worth shouting about.
Even the American Bald Eagle recognizes Trump is a danger.
Are you Republicans and evangelicals just going to stand by while Trump trashes ALL of our intelligence services and then sides with Vladimir Putin? When he waits over 28 hours before being forced to read a statement that claims he simply misspoke one word, but he doesn’t take back anything else he said defending Putin or questioning US intelligence assessments, do you swallow that hook, line and sinker? If there is no collusion, as Trump claims, why wouldn’t he want to prove it by doing everything in his power to help Mueller get to the bottom of the Russian interference question and clear his name? Why is it okay for Trump to “consider” for over four days to handing Americans over to the Russians for interrogation with no apparent reason to do so? Trump said it was “an interesting idea" and "an incredible offer” and still has not refuted that stance. Why do GOP members block every effort to get to the truth? 
Here is Trump wiping 'a fluid from Vladimir Putin' off of his tie.
Do you really think Trump is the poster-boy for your Christian values and associated political viewpoints? It appears you have been corrupted by something far beyond the boundaries of patriotism, decency and moral standards. It's called Trumpism. Trumpism is a term for duplicity, deception, and contempt for the American people. It is Trump First, not America First.
The GOP and evangelicals used to be rabidly anti-Russian. They couldn’t say enough bad things about the Russians, the Soviets, the communists, the oligarchs that ran the country from the Kremlin. Now, the GOP and evangelicals all cozy up to the Russians because of Trump. Trump participated in a Russian disinformation campaign by agreeing with Putin - thereby legitimizing Putin's denial and weakening the credibility of U.S. intelligence agencies. If Trump sides with Putin, that’s good enough for his supporters. They'll side with Putin and the Russians too. Those Russians are tough...but when Trump cuddles up with them, Trump is tougher. Does that make sense?
GOP and evangelicals, seriously, what in the hell is wrong with you?
On Twitter, Trump says his critics are suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome". The desperation in Trump’s tweet where he even wants to take oblique credit for a perceived medical condition because his name is on it - came a day after he appeared side by side with Putin and chose to believe the claims of the Kremlin that there was no meddling in US elections rather than the unanimous consensus of all US intelligence agencies that there WAS Russian meddling and influence. So people who question the motives of a president siding with the Russian leader are 'deranged.' Over a day later, to show how not adding an "n't" was just a slip of the tongue, Trump read from a prepared statement that he repeated a part of almost word for word, three times…as though he hadn’t read it up to that point and wasn’t sure what it would say next...then added a qualifier that "it might have been someone else," Trump's non-explanation immediately placated Republican congressmen. And despite the controversy, Republican voters still support Trump.
Trump knows he doesn’t have to convince the American people. He just had to convince the GOP…because those GOP leaders will block all attempts to hold him accountable and will run interference against any impeachment proceedings. They will lie to Trump’s supporters and tell them the Deep State is just trying to destroy good-old-honest-stable-genius-Donald Trump. All the GOP members are behind this, even when they stand on the sidelines. They all support Trump and his agenda.
Senators Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Orrin Hatch, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins…etcetera, and all you GOP congressmen and women - like Paul Ryan - abandoning ship prior to the November 2018 election…where are you? You have nothing to lose. Why are you NOT doing more than shrugging your shoulders when you should be defending the nation from Trump?
Iowa senator Joni Ernst still supports Trump even though, by her own admission, his tariffs and trade policies are detrimental to Iowa farmers and will vastly hurt her constituents. Yet she says she will still support Trump because he came up with $12 billion - that is not in the federal budget thanks to Trump's tax cut last December - to pay the farmers because his trade war with the EU, Mexico, and China has cost them at least $11 billion. So Trump is solving problems of his own making by conjuring up money from a supply of cash the government doesn't have.
Evangelicals say they will give Trump “a mulligan” for his banging adult film actress Stormy Daniels, former Playmate Karen McDougal, sexually harassing Apprentice actress Summer Zervos and at least 19 other women who have accused Trump of years of serial sexual assault, all while he was married to one of his three wives. But evangelicals find nothing wrong with that and don't get the least bit excited about Trump’s adultery, dishonesty and misogyny since they think he is working for God. They remind us with quotes from the bible like Romans 13:1 Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God.“
So Trump is in office because that's the way God wanted it.
But wasn’t King George III appointed by God…and the 13 colonies waged a war on him and killed his soldiers? Doesn’t that mean that the United States began its existence by violating the word of God? Of course not. American Christians say the United States was different. But because we were so different, we should and would base our laws on God's laws. The evangelicals are counting on Trump to do just that.
So Trump screwed a porn star while his (3rd) trophy wife was home with their newborn son, Barron...just as he did with former Playmate Karen McDougal. Keeping the Stormy Daniels affair out of the newspapers before the 2016 election reportedly cost him only $130,000 which he admitted to in the addendum of his tax release last April. It makes up only 0.004 percent of his claimed net worth of $3.1 billion — But paying her off and letting the world know about it means nothing to him. This speaks volumes about him, and it speaks volumes about his supporters when he can pay off a woman he screwed 10 years prior - to keep her quiet while he was running for president - with the EVANGELICALS giving him their full support.
And they STILL support him.
Keep in mind Trump doesn't give a damn about anyone being concerned and worried about his collusion, treasonous actions, emolument violations, lying about paying for adulterous affairs, passing a tax bill that almost exclusively gives him and his wealthy friends massive tax cuts, or his threatening nuclear war. Trump is immune to scandal and social censure. Ridicule hurts his feelings and he whines like a baby about it but it doesn’t change who he is. Republicans in Congress must accept much of the blame for what has happened to our democracy and our presidency. They sat on their asses and “let Trump be Trump” for too long. Now it may be too late. Just four days after Trump's disastrous Helsinki meeting he invited Putin to Washington DC. Not even the president’s Director of Intelligence knew this was coming. Why?
Republicans and evangelicals: What in the hell is wrong with you?
Trump knew on January 6, 2017, that Russian Military officers, at Putin's express instruction, carried out interference in our presidential election to help Trump. That is no longer in question. Trump was told the meddling was Russia…and Russia alone...two weeks before he became the 45th president. He has lied about not knowing it since then.
Think he should answer any of the above questions? Should we have access to the interpreter's notes from his 2+ hour meeting with Putin? Should Trump be held accountable for violating his oath of office? Should he finally have to pay a price for all his lies?
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