Friday, March 23, 2018

Making America Giggle Again – Trump Gets His Parade

          Trump can finally brag about another big win. He is about to get his long-desired military parade. After watching the Bastille Day parade in France last July 14th, Trump came back to the U.S. and whined that he wanted one too. The Pentagon had denied him one for his inauguration and that made Trump SAD! But that is all about to change.
This is what Trump wants to see
          A Pentagon memo was issued the first week of March stating the parade is being planned for November 11th, on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One, and will “include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks, because consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure”, meaning Pennsylvania Avenue. The event will “include a heavy air component at the end of the parade”, i.e. lots of airplane flyovers. It did not include a cost estimate but White House budget director Mick Mulvaney recently told Congress the taxpayers will get stuck with a bill between $10 million and $30 million.
Who could argue against a parade that highlights the Americans who defend our freedom and make everything else possible? Well, to answer that, how about a parade that highlights the traitor who sold out our country to the Russians to get elected and makes the nation a laughing stock around the world?
          Yep, the parade is do-able, but it can be presented at a much more reasonable cost, be far more colorful and entertaining, and make America laugh again, because here is the only parade Trump has earned…
This is the Grand Marshal for the Trump parade. Quite appropriate, don’t you think?
Here comes the band…
These are the shock troops…
And Special Forces...
We can’t forget the armored vehicles Trump wants…
Plus, the Air Force flyover…
There will even be a segment that does the “Goose-Step” just for Trump…

Trump, as you’ll recall, did not serve in the Vietnam War because he received four draft deferments to avoid the military and then in desperation made up a bone spur in his foot to get a medical excuse thereby escaping service for a fifth time. This is the nitwit that thinks he deserves a military parade. What a freakin’ clown.

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