Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Bob Corker

Robert Corker Junior, go crawl back under your Tennessee rock and stay there. Now that you’re leaving the Senate and no longer running for office, you've discovered the freedom of being honest - by pissing, whining, and moaning about what a big baby Trump is. You're now quick to point out that his administration is in a downward spiral, that Trump shows neither the stability or competence to hold the office of President, that Trump has to have 24-hour adult supervision, that the Oval Office is nothing more than a daycare center when Trump is “in the house”, that Rex Tillerson is spot on in calling Trump a f*cking moron, and that Trump’s thoughtless, inappropriate, and juvenile comments are putting the U.S. on a path to World War Three. But how did we get here Bob?

On April 28, 2016, you, Bob Corker, praised Trump's evolution as a politician, calling his previous day's foreign policy address in Washington DC a "really good transition in the campaign.” As one of the most powerful men in the Senate, you offered an early and strong endorsement for this man-baby. It was you who assuaged skeptical members of the GOP establishment to support Trump as the party’s nominee. You then considered accepting Trump’s offer to join him as his running mate and, gushing like a teenage schoolgirl, said “The reason you love him so much is because he loves you” as Trump stood next to you. I’m sure that was your "honest" reaction, not the words of a sycophant.
                             One down, eighteen to go.

        You used your position to vote for almost all of Trump’s legislative agenda and you supported and confirmed EVERY SINGLE ONE of his nominees. You didn’t question their competence or qualifications - including Michael Flynn, Betsy DeVos, Tom Price, Jeff Sessions, Rick Perry, Steve Mnuchin, Scott Pruitt…etc. These are, or were, some of the most incompetent people to ever hold their respective offices and you helped put them there just as Trump wanted. You voted in favor of repealing Obamacare - without anything to replace it - every time it came up for a vote.
At the end of May 2017, you were practically swooning over Trump’s first overseas trip as president, a trip that virtually everyone else at home and abroad labeled an unmitigated disaster, claiming it was “executed to near perfection.”
You have always been willing to play a part in this Potemkin village called the Trump administration by being Trump’s adviser, confidante, dinner companion, and golf partner. You couldn't suck up to this Russian-installed clown any more than you already have. You made your pact with the devil, so to speak, and now you’re complaining because of the heat?
Why did it take you until you retired to say what you REALLY thought of Trump? Since 2011 he has repeatedly demonstrated that he is unfit for any office. Had you spoken bluntly and authoritatively a year ago about all the things you can plainly see now, we could have avoided having this self-centered, easily-offended, Twitter-bullying, small-minded, pussy-grabbing, bigoted, dishonest, misogynistic, childish nitwit as our president.
You have no shame, no integrity. and no reason to bitch, Robert Phillip Corker Jr. We got here because of YOU!

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