Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thank God we have these Moral Guardians

                   At least this time he diddled someone to whom he wasn't related 

As if molesting his sisters and another family friend wasn’t enough. As if getting an intervention in 2002 by mom and dad Michelle and Jim Bob, and a stern talking to by the law enforcement friend who’s now behind bars for child porn wouldn't calm his libido. While he was harping about the evils of abortion, homosexuality, and fornication of any sort, (except male and female, married one time only, to each other)…it turns out Josh Duggar has something in common with people like Bill Cosby…PUDDING! Pudding his dick where it didn’t belong. This time he can’t claim it was youthful indiscretion. He’s been recently cheating on his wife of nearly seven years and enjoying porno on the side as well. What a great daddy and husband. What an exemplar role model. What a surprise that calling on God and Jesus didn’t prevent his sexual indiscretion, especially since family members knew he was warped over 12 years ago.

        The Christian right is nothing but a constellation of hypocrites making a mockery of everything they claim to uphold biblically. A random sample: Ted Haggard’s constant screaming about the evils of drugs and homosexuality right up to the weekend before he got caught doing both…Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, pregnant out of wedlock again, this time after earning over $262,000 from The Candies Foundation, an abstinence only group, Pentecostal John Brock of Bell County, Kentucky who followed the words of Mark 16:18, “…will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all,” then died after being bitten by said snake…and mega-church pastor Zachery Tims, who preached the prosperity gospel and then abused his prosperity on a lethal dose of coke and heroin. But the newest star is super-Christian, GOP photo-favorite, and Family Research Council judge-jury-and executioner Josh Duggar admitting he had an Ashley Madison affair website account, and to porking someone other than his wife. Poor Anna won’t be allowed to divorce this scumbag regardless of where his willie has been. But I do hope she uses some of that 19 Kids and Counting money for an STD test.

                                 "Family"...a word to display on a shelf at home.

        And how does the religious right explain away these kinds of acts? Like this: “Satan knows that by instigating a scandal with an evangelical Christian leader, he can have a powerful impact. Just as King David’s adultery with Bathsheba and arranged murder of Uriah caused great damage to David’s family and the entire nation of Israel, so has many a church or ministry been damaged or destroyed by the moral failure of its leader. Many Christians have had their faith weakened as a result of seeing a leader fall. Non-Christians use the failure of “Christian” leaders as a reason to reject Christianity. Satan and his demons know this, and therefore direct more of their attacks against those in leadership roles. The Bible warns us all, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

                                      "You're f*cking gonna blame ME???"

As the old joke goes, what's worse than having an imaginary friend? Having an imaginary enemy. See, the devil made them do it…they aren’t responsible for their reprehensible behavior…it’s the influence of the supernatural. I’m going to use that excuse if I get pulled over for any reason by the cops, or am audited by the IRS. I’m sure it will work for me just like it does for evangelicals to explain their peccadilloes. 

        I don’t give a damn how many times Josh claims he is “the biggest hypocrite ever” in order to atone for cheating on his wife. We already know that! Repeating it doesn't change the outcome. He is guilty of far more than just your garden-variety hypocrisy. He built a career on being a morally superior blowhard. "God is righteous and is going to judge all of us unless we abandon sin and immorality" as defined by him, his sanctimonious parents, and the Family Research Council. He is the epitome of why Christianity, and all religions, should be treated like the Black Plague. It does not lead to a more virtuous life. It’s a license to sin. In Christianity, if you get caught, claim the blood of Jesus has cleansed you and go right back to sinning. Jesus paid the bill so enjoy the fact that you can get away with anything and everything.
        All that prayer and strengthening of faith Michelle and Jim Bob claimed they did for Josh after he admitted to molesting his sisters didn’t do shit for Josh. It just created a smarmier and sneakier shit.
                   Josh Duggar indicates how much respect he has for "family values"

          In my opinion though, Josh can redeem himself this way: he should return every dime he earned as the spokesman for the Family Research Council. He didn’t measure up to any of the crap he was espousing so he should not keep the rewards of promoting what he wasn’t willing to practice. He should be forced to wear a scarlet “A” on his forehead the rest of his life. Plus, he should submit to having an inch of his penis chopped off for every crack he’s slipped it into other than Anna’s. Fair enough, Josh?  

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Religious poison in Israel - The attack on the Gay Pride parade

Boy, do I miss Christopher Hitchens. I have read his book “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything” seven times. Each time I gain greater insight into what he was telling the world. He did not suffer any religion quietly, tacitly or gladly, challenging all of us to see how and why it’s become a threat to the world, and continues to be the source of unadulterated hatred wherever it is found.
He would be having a field day with the latest news out of Israel.
Dateline Jerusalem July 30, 2015 – “An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who had recently been released from prison after serving 10 years for stabbing participants in the annual Gay Pride Parade here in 2005 struck again Thursday, stabbing and wounding six marchers in this year’s parade, according to the police.
Yishai Schlissel 2015

After slashing and stabbing the six, the assailant, Yishai Schlissel, was pinned to the ground and arrested by police officers who were stationed along the route. Emergency services said two of the victims are in serious condition.

Yishai Schlissel 2005

In 2005, Schlissel told police that he was planning “to kill in the name of God” and that “such abomination cannot exist in Israel.” He was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 12 years in prison. During that attack, police said that Schlissel dodged in between marchers, stabbing at random until he was pinned down by the police. The Israeli news media reported that he was released from prison three weeks ago.
If anything proves religion poisons everything, you can’t do much better than this. Schlissel stabs three people 10 years ago because in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, the Talmud condemns sex between males with death. Three weeks after his release from serving a ten year prison sentence for the first crime, he does it again, only this time he wounds twice as many, with two still in serious condition as of this writing. Is anyone surprised an “ultra-orthodox” believer thinks he has the right to act as god’s executioner?

There isn't any.

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” Christopher Hitchens quoted that line so often he will eventually be given credit for the saying even though its originator is Dr. Steven Weinberg. Mr. Schlissel used his orthodox religious beliefs, which have been promoted as a profound good, to do something purely evil, yet he thinks he acted in the best interest of god. That’s an excuse any killer could use as justification for their action.

Every religion's God seems to love the sight of spilled blood.

This kind of religious poison isn’t anything new for Israel. Who can forget Dr. Baruch Goldstein who managed to gun down 29 Muslim worshippers and injure 125 others in the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre near Hebron on February 25, 1994 before being beaten to death by survivors? Yet even given the horror of that slaughter, at Goldstein's funeral, Rabbi Yaacov Perrin used it as an opportunity to claim one million Arabs are "not worth a Jewish fingernail". And what is it that separates Jews from Arabs? The belief that a god gave each side Palestine, all of it. Each sees the other as illegal occupiers. The poison of their religions will continue to kill thousands of people for the foreseeable future unless we finally realize that all religions…all of them…are man-made fairy tales and deserve no further attention, promotion, or endorsement in our societies. The sooner they are gone, the better off humankind will be.  

             Religions are not peaceful. They are mind control, even the pacifist ones. You surrender your free will to an ancient belief. And if that belief has an ancient book full of fairy tales, fake history, and mythical accounts that vilify another group of people, any "ultra-orthodox" interpretation of those passages will lead the reader to insist god meant for that group to be exterminated. Last week’s attack on a peaceful parade shows that Judaism is just as guilty as Christianity or Islam in warping a person’s behavior. 
           The problem with any religion is that the people who believe those myths want everyone to believe or abide by their myths too, and will go to any lengths to make that happen. The parade marchers, who were doing no harm to anyone, were assaulted with the intent to murder because years ago a parent or rabbi convinced Mr. Schlissel that some gobbledy-gook they read was god claiming He didn’t like those people, and since god wasn’t there to stab them himself, well….then it was up to Mr. Schlissel. For that reason, Mr. Schlissel should never see the outside of a prison cell again.