Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pussy Riot are victims of the ghosts of the KGB

        I know very little about the Russian punk band Pussy Riot, but I know when they are being railroaded in a court. Hooliganism is one of those archaic terms the former KGB members across Russia still like to use to round up anyone who does something that displeases them, and it doesn't even have annoy them greatly. Pussy Riot lampooned the Russian Orthodox Church and juxtaposed political jibes at Vladimir Putin in the mix. While nothing was destroyed and services were conducted only minutes later. Pussy Riot is now facing possible several month long sentences for simply speaking their minds in a church about Putin.
      In the U.S. and Britain, bands have called for acts of violence against the 'man', 'the pigs', 'the establishment', 'the powers that be' and the military repeatedly, In Japan, Italy, and German...rock and even traditional native music bands have pushed the envelop to see how much influence their songs and words can have on the government and the secret police units that constantly watch them. But they are not being incarcerated over it.
      Pussy Riot shouldn't be either.Unless inciting violence, they should be given every right to perform their music...even if only a few like it. Caveat Emptor. Will they go free? I'll believe it when I see it.

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