What if...?
May 29, 2016 marked the 99th birthday of John F. Kennedy. He probably wouldn't have lived that long but the history of the past 53 years would be vastly different if he had not been murdered. Thanks to his assassination we have been cursed with a parade of Liars-in-Chief holding the highest office in the land.
When the
American people allowed whoever it was that killed JFK to get away with his
murder, the killers and those who supported them realized they could lie to us and we wouldn’t do anything
about it.
I prefer to
say things up front. John F. Kennedy WAS killed by a conspiracy, and the
people who carried it out are still being protected by elements within our
government…the FBI, the CIA, and the military. Lee Oswald didn’t kill anyone on
November 22, 1963…not Tippit and not Kennedy. However, he has been vilified since
then as the lone nut assassin. He was silenced by Jack Ruby so that the blame
could be pinned on him without any recourse or anyone challenging it. He was exactly
what he shouted in the halls of the Dallas Police Department, “I’m just a patsy”.
The liars saw it and said that it was good.
Are you satisfied
with the course our country has taken since November 22, 1963? Kennedy’s death
led to one liar after another holding the office of presidency. If
any of these men had been Pinocchio, there wouldn’t have been enough wood available
to keep extending their nose. Look at just a few examples of each:
None of these men would have become president if JFK had not been assassinated
Johnson will forever be remembered as the liar who pushed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution
which was used to justify the American military buildup in South Vietnam and a
war that killed over 58,000 U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, nurses...and over a million Vietnamese.
Nixon lied about a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam to get elected, then illegally
invaded Laos and Cambodia while lying to cover it up…and lied about virtually
everything else until he resigned.
Gerald Ford
lied about what was in the Warren Commission testimonials. He knew the truth because he was ON the commission but still lied to protect the predetermined solution to the murder...that Oswald was the sole assassin.
Jimmy Carter
lied about being a “nuclear physicist and a peanut farmer.” He was neither: he
held only a bachelor’s degree, and he owned a peanut warehouse.
Ronald Reagan's lies started before he even got into office. Remember his famous “There
you go again” line to Carter at the debate on October 28, 1980? Carter had
just accused Reagan of being against Medicare and Social Security. Carter was right and Reagan was wrong, Reagan had recorded a record album in the 1960s opposing Medicare and Social Security
because he claimed it was leading us down a socialist path. But Reagan got away with it because he got a laugh from the line. He also
lied about the illegal war in Nicaragua that he initiated, the Iran-Contra
deal, his environmental policies…the list goes on.
George H.W.
Bush – remember “read my lips, no new
taxes”? He then passed the biggest tax increase in our nation’s history to
that date. Also, unlike 99% of Americans alive then, Bush says he can't recall where he was the day Kennedy was shot, (even
though there’s a picture of him standing outside the Texas School Book
Depository that afternoon). I guess CIA agents don’t need to have
reliable memories.
George H.W. Bush chats with other CIA and FBI agents while police sweep the TSBD.
Bill Clinton
lied about his numerous extra-marital affairs; even going so far as to try to
redefine what “is” is during the run
up to possible impeachment proceedings. Of course, when smoking pot, he didn't inhale, either.
George W.
Bush – lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and dragged the U.S.
into two wars.
During a
Joint session of congress in 2009 discussing health care reform, Barak Obama
said: "There are also those who
claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is
false – the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here
illegally." In a breach of decorum South Carolina congressman Joe
Wilson pointed at Obama and shouted, "You lie!" twice. But Wilson was
right. Numerous cases have turned up where illegal immigrants had no problem
getting on the Affordable Care Act. Obama even got MIT Professor Jonathan
Gruber to identify the American voters as stupid people for passing the act. Not a lie per se, but a serious misjudgment.
This is what our chief executives regularly pull off because it has become "part of the job"..
This is what our chief executives regularly pull off because it has become "part of the job"..
In November
2013 CNN even did a story about how and why presidents lie: http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/24/politics/presidents-lie/
As if that
makes it okay.
If the president's lips are moving, he's lying.
Lying now
defines American politics and presidents. They consistently lie because the
U.S. government, to this day, continues to lie about the Kennedy assassination.
Lying did not start there; it just became accepted and expected from that point
on. It set a precedent that the liars in our government continue to build on.
As long as
we let the assassination lies and the liars who maintain it continue to rot American history and politics, our image around the world will
sink lower and lower. We used to be considered “a shining beacon on a hill”.
Now, thanks to lies that justify numerous wars we initiated or expanded since
the JFK assassination, allow or encourage rampant CIA intrusions into foreign
affairs, kill countless people the government gets to define as “bad”, and show callous disregard for the rights of other people or nations, we are the bully on the block...the rich, drunken, quarrelsome doofus that no one
Are you
pleased with what the U.S.A. has become?
Then do
something about it, because we are about to hold an election where we’ll have
to choose from two more proven liars for the presidency.
They move in the same circles when they're not running against each other.